Ongoing Projects
Oman Ghabah Gypsum Quarry Developement, Geological Study And Mining
Scope Of Work: Surveying.Drilling 80 Boreholes, Sampling And Mining Tests And Mining Stduy For Excavation Plan
Client: Oman Cement Company
Design Survey And Tender Preparation Of Roads Access For Al-Sharqiyah Offices In Oman
Studies on updating master plan of water in (Maharloo-Bakhtegan) +(Abarghu-Sirjan) + (hamoon-Jazmurian) + (Lut Desert) + (Daranjir-Saghand) basins and regions
Managing Contracts of projects of studies on development of modern irrigation systems in the provinces of region two


Managing Contracts in on implementation of sub networks-drainage irrigation, underground drainage, equipping and modernization of some lands in the plains of the provinces of Khuzestan and Ilam


Management Contracts of comprehensive project sub networks-drainage irrigation of trans-border rivers in Western Azerbaijan province


Managing Contracts Aquaculture and fishing activities management projects


EPC of irrigation and drainage network and equipping and modernization of Ramshir right coastal land, Development zones 1 and 2


EPC of irrigation and drainage network and equipping and modernization of Ramshir right coastal land, Development zones 3


Studies of first and second phase of designing green space irrigation networks by raw water in district 7 of Tehran


EPC of irrigation and drainage network, equipping and modernization of southern lands of Karkhe Noor, Gods District, Hoveizeh


EPC of irrigation and drainage network, equipping and modernization of lands of 2nd development zone of Dosaleg plain


EPC of irrigation and drainage network, equipping and modernization of lands of 3rd and 4th development zones of Dosaleg plain


Supervision of construction of Kalkaleh and Mahmoud Abad pumping stations in Lorestan Province


Consolidated research on first and second stages of four dams in Bahmaei city